Olipop Toyshop Big things are coming 2024

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I often think that I am not entirely sure what I was thinking when I decided to open up a toyshop. I had no idea what it all entailed putting out toys into the market. Then I remind myself to think about my why? Why did I want to do this? What was the reason that I started Olipop Toyshop?

My motivation was to help other parents in a similar situation. Hearing parents of deaf or hard of hearing children that were so overwhelmed by the journey. Parents who had so many other decisions and appointments to keep and make. Parents who wanted to the best for their children and stay on top of the therapy at home. I also wanted to assist the therapists who work with our children who are deaf or hard hearing, like audiologists, speech language pathologists, teachers of the deaf and early interventionists. I wanted them to have a place that they can get all the tools they need in order to ensure a listening check was done and the child’s device worked and they had access to spoken language, all while making it fun.

So I had toys and puzzles were first made just for me and for Oli so that I could help him and I soon realized that many would be able to benefit from our products and so started Olipop Toyshop. What I didn’t realize in the beginning was how much I would learn in this year. I have learned about what is missing and needed for parents of deaf or hard of hearing children, specifically here in our home country of South Africa. Olipop Toyshop will always offer the tangible support in the form of toys and puzzles but I want offer and do more.

This year I want Olipop to grow and be able to provide support to parents of deaf and hard of hearing children in more ways. I would like Olipop to be a place that parents can come. It doesn’t matter where they are in the journey, just diagnosed, starting school or many years down the line starting their own families. No matter which language option they have chosen for their family, signed, spoken or a combination of both. I want to offer them support, comfort and most of all connection. There is really no reason that this journey has be done alone.

Stay tuned for some exciting news being announced on Friday.