Olipop toyshop - hearing therapy toy tips

Young children are full of energy and let’s be honest, they love to move. If given the choice, they would rather move and do something then sit still and do something. So if you are trying to do therapy at home, find and use toys that encourage movement and physical activity. Using these type of toys are ideal for at home therapy as they also help to build gross motor skills and improve coordination.
We often use a combination of the below to set up an obstacle course, having little pit stops where we can practice a therapy technique. At the moment that includes Myofunctional therapy exercises and/or LMH sound identification. Some examples of toys or objects we use to encourage movement:
– swing
– balls to kick
– a yoga ball
– hula hoop
– jump ropes
– plastic motorbikes we get in South Africa
– a ball pit
– soft blocks and mats
– a trampoline
– bean bags